With the right tools, partners and collaboration, truly great things can happen.
In fact, David Peters, the associate director of campus recreation at Florida State University (FSU), shared how he learned this lesson through his partnership with upace. Entering the partnership, his experience shows that while the product is key, the relationship and ability to collaborate over time to meet changing industry needs is a must.
CR: How did you discover upace?
Upace was a technology partner for the 2017 EVOLVE Fitness Symposium, which Florida State University Campus Recreation hosted in March of that year. Upace provided an interface for our attendees to manage their workshop experience, and we were able to explore the product and speak with the upace team during the event.
CR: Why did you partner with them?
We opted to partner with upace for their dedication to creating and maintaining a customizable app specific to collegiate recreation. We were seeking a highly collaborative partner that was interested in learning as much about us as we were about them. Instead of settling for a generic product that may not best meet our needs, we entered the partnership with upace with the patience its takes to develop something tailor-made for FSU and able to evolve with us over time.
CR: What do you like about partnering with upace?
The partnership between FSU and upace has been one of mutual growth. Upace has demonstrated its commitment to continually improving its app. We have been afforded the opportunity to provide constant feedback as they enhance their product for not just FSU’s users, but for all potential users across collegiate recreation.
CR: How does this partnership benefit your rec center?
With over 7,000 registered users since our launch in January, our patrons and participants have embraced having more campus rec information at their fingertips. Our customers are happy with even faster class registration and equipment registration through the app. Our partnership has had a positive impact on our overall service to customers. At the same time, the administrative interface has streamlined much of the work of our hundreds of student staff.
CR: Was there anything that pleasantly surprised you about working with upace?
Finding the right technology product for any collegiate recreation department involves much more than just money. It takes partners willing to collaborate to develop the best possible solution. Our experience with upace has helped us successfully launch a continually evolving app for our users. They are open to feedback and quick to implement changes. We are excited to be launching upace 2.0 with its new design and customization options that will allow us to enhance our connection with our patrons and make for an even better user experience.
For more information, visit upaceapp.com.