Maureen McGonagle, the Director of Campus Recreation at DePaul University, answers a few of our questions.
1. How did you get started in the industry? What drew you to recreation?
I needed an on-campus job and I had played sports in high school, so as a freshman I started officiating soccer, and then quickly added volleyball, flag football, softball and waterpolo. I enjoyed the work environment so much that I eventually changed my major from accounting to leisure studies. It was an easy transition from business to recreation, as much of what we do is business management, just in a nurturing and fun environment.
2. Throughout your time at CENTERS/DePaul, what is one of the biggest changes that has been made within Campus Recreation?
The field has transformed since my days as a student, but I think the biggest change is how much more sophisticated we have become in terms of understanding and articulating the value we provide to our students, faculty and staff. Another big change has been the need to be business savvy and creative in generating revenue.
3. Throughout your time at CENTERS/DePaul, what is one accomplishment you are most proud of?
I think the biggest point of pride is all the little appreciations we have received from students, faculty and staff about how our work has mattered to them. I work with an incredibly talented group of professionals, and knowing that we continue to be successful in helping others reach their goals is very rewarding.
4. What gets you excited to come to work every day?
I love the energy of the students and the satisfaction received from working with a team devoted to helping students learn, succeed and grow. The only thing I don’t love about my job is the commute.
5. What is one lesson you have learned that other recreation professionals can learn from?
The most effective way to ensure your personal success is by genuinely focusing your efforts on helping others succeed. Collegiate recreation professionals are in it for the impact, not the rewards. My experience is that giving is the best way of getting.
6. Tell us one fun fact about yourself that others may not know.
So many weird things to choose from. I am a terrible golfer, but won the longest drive contest in the faculty/staff golf tournament. Or, I played third base in softball and defensive end in flag football. I love gardening. I read a lot. My name is on the library wall at the University of Illinois. My preferred vacations are hiking at national parks.