With the right tools, partners and collaboration, truly great things can happen. In fact, David Peters,...
Read moreDetailsFor students, primarily Millennials, technology is second nature and an integral aspect of their lives. That’s...
Read moreDetailsMarc Falkenstein, the director of campus recreation at the University of the Pacific, shares on partnering with InnoSoft...
Read moreDetailsGone are the days of creating lengthy manuals stored in big binders that ultimately serve as...
Read moreDetailsTake a moment to think about how technology is such an integral part of our lives. From...
Read moreDetailsThe ubiquity of data is capturing the attention of professionals in every industry. And campus recreation...
Read moreDetailsUniversities constantly speak about the importance of data. Administrators need and use data to justify budgets,...
Read moreDetailsThe University of Montana is working to find creative ways to get students inside the Fitness and Recreation...
Read moreDetailsTRUE Fitness partners with Outside Interactive to feature race and virtual course video on next generation...
Read moreDetailsWhen shopping for clothes, hotels, gifts, or any other service, if the company’s website is unappealing...
Read moreDetails© 2023 Campus Rec Magazine. Published by Peake Media.