As the operator/manager of a campus pool, you have the need to handle the swimming pool...
Read moreDetailsIn 2021, the University of San Diego’s summer swim lesson program sold out in less than...
Read moreDetailsAquatics programming took quite a hit during the pandemic. But luckily, nearing the end of 2021,...
Read moreDetailsYour aquatics department is probably feeling it: the national lifeguard shortage. On June 7, 2021, The...
Read moreDetailsWe all know there are those who are just starting on their journey to experience the...
Read moreDetailsThis spring, media reports about a chlorine “shortage” have created concern among pool owners about their...
Read moreDetailsThere are many things you are going to need to keep in mind when it comes...
Read moreDetailsIn the March/April 2021 issue, Samantha Steel, the program coordinator for Aquatics at the University of Nevada,...
Read moreDetailsOne area of campus recreation programming hit hardest by the pandemic was aquatics, causing many schools...
Read moreDetailsAquatics best practices have evolved over the last year. Greg Schmidt, the Aquatic Center manager at Eastern...
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